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The mid-shot here offers us an opportunity to enter her space where she is applying her makeup. We are introduced to her style and image.

This scene is an example of a powerful shot for a romantic storyline which I found quite evocatively done.

This is an extreme close-up of her lips, showing elegance and femininity. Her nails are blurred and the camera is completely focusing on the lips.

Such examples of close-ups match with music video conventions and allow voyeurism which is an appealing feature in the music video.

The close-up of couples arms holding each other, allows the viewer’s exclusive insight into their relationship. The close-up focuses on their closeness.

This widescreen shot of GNa allows us to see her sense of style – her fashion statement.

The fact that she is centred in the shot and  is in the background show how the focus is on her rather than the neutral background.

The brightness from the windows creates a sense of fantasy.

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